7 Days to Change Your Brain and Radically Transform Your Income, Impact, Business and Life
Now for 96% Off!
Your Frustration, Your Stress, Your Overwhelm, Your Confusion, Your Dissatisfaction, Your Tension, Your Lack of Fulfillment, Your Lack of Results, AND Your Business Have ONLY ONE THING IN COMMON: 
Hack Your Mind, Exponentially Grow Your Business, and Level-Up Your Life
This is Different Conversation About Mindset
This conversation is NOT about hustling and grinding your way to “success” only to end up broken and burned out when you finally hit that number you thought you wanted so badly. 

This conversation is NOT about finding that “magic pill” strategy that’s going to instantly create some miracle revenue fountain. 

This conversation is NOT about law of attraction or manifesting a pile of money by sitting on your sofa daydreaming. 

This conversation is about...
Breaking Through the Personal Development Ceiling By Using Your Mind To Rewire And Reorganize Your Brain...
So you can produce extraordinary results no matter what challenge you face, no matter how limited your resources, and no matter what strategy you choose to execute. 
It is a simple, practical, step-by-step method... 

... and unlock superhuman levels of creativity, intelligence, and unstoppable momentum in your business and life.

We are talking about permanently eliminating the neural networks causing you to feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, not good enough... or worse.
So if you...
  • are running around in circles signing up for all the classes, seminars, programs, and courses trying to grow your business...
  • have a dark fear you will never realize your full potential because you don’t have the confidence, determination, discipline, vision, time, money, connections, or whatever...
  • ​feel frustrated, stressed and overwhelmed by the same business that was supposed to give you freedom and wealth...
I get it. That was me.
But if you’re looking for a strategic solution to solve these problems… are running into a dead end.
Because every single one of these problems is a product of your mindset.
However, with the right system, your mindset can be hacked, transformed, and reforged.

And according to Success Magazine, THIS SYSTEM is the next evolution of personal development. 
THIS is Personal Development 2.0
Because here’s the real, honest truth . . . 
YOU AREN't As Far Along As You Could Be
There is a reason you are struggling. 

There’s a reason you are not experiencing rapid growth or reaching a massive audience…

creating the impact you envision...  

or breaking through your plateaus of income without the overwhelm... 

It’s not because you’re not trying.

It’s not because you don't have the resources or enough time.

Or because you haven't figured out how to profitably market your business with social media or JV partners and influencers.

It’s because what you believe is blocking you from creating what you want. 

So how do you change that?

By reformatting and upgrading your Mindset.

I’m not the first person to say this, but I am the first person to show you exactly how to do it.

So how do you do it?

With Mind Hack.
“David is a leading expert on mindset AND business”
“My biggest breakthrough this year has been my mindset. Being able to shift the way I think and my process around business has just been tremendous. David’s work takes you deeper into who you are as a person. It helps you see how your business and lifestyle all blends together and transform your business into more than just a business.” 
Thomas Tipton
Investment Advisor - WFG
If You "Already Knew Mindset" 
you wouldn't be reading this page
It’s true. You would be too busy selling out high-ticket programs…
... speaking from your dream stages with global reach...
... adding 6-figure growth to your business every month...
and loving every inspired minute of it.
 You would ALREADY be living your dream.
But you aren’t. You’re here.
"HERE" is a good place to be, but let’s be honest...
If you truly “knew” mindset, you wouldn’t be chasing every next shiny object...

You wouldn’t be struggling to create predictability in your business, getting by on “hope marketing” and random referrals...

You wouldn’t be stuck on “why it’s not working” or wondering which marketing guru to follow next.
The truth is…

EVERY rain-making, game-changing uber-successful entrepreneur you look up to says “the moment that changed everything”…
...Was the moment they CHANGED THEIR MINDSET.
Now you may already be familiar with something someone called “mindset”…

But this is a different kind of mindset. One grounded in the science of actual brain change.
And you have not yet MASTERED it. 
If you truly “knew” mindset, you wouldn’t be chasing every next shiny object...

You wouldn’t be struggling to create predictability in your business, getting by on “hope marketing” and random referrals...

You wouldn’t be stuck on “why it’s not working” or wondering which marketing guru to follow next.

The truth is…

EVERY rain-making, game-changing uber-successful entrepreneur you look up to says “the moment that changed everything”…
...Was the moment they CHANGED THEIR MINDSET.

Now you may already be familiar with something someone called “mindset”…

But this is a different kind of mindset. One grounded in the science of actual brain change.
And you have not yet MASTERED it. 

“I've known for awhile that it's my mindset that's holding me back. I've done the Landmark Forum, I've done a bunch of Tony Robbins work, I've done a lot of other personal development work. But nothing was as doable as this program.” 
Kim Seeling-Smith 
Speaker, Consultant, Author and Thought Leader
And that’s ok. It’s not your fault (yet)...
Personal Development is a Broken Model!
Until now, it’s been an industry of motivation and inspiration.

Maybe you've done the Tony Robbins, the Abraham Hicks, the Landmark Forum…  

... the Law of Attraction, the trips to Sedona, the trips to India, maybe even the psychedelic trips (you know who you are) ...

you’ve read the books, you’ve listened to the audios, you’ve done the coaching (and maybe even the therapy) ...

or maybe you’ve gone from high performance, to new age woo, to biohacking and back again...

But at the end of the day, you pretty much have the same brain you started with.
Nothing really changed!
As a result, “Mindset” and “Personal Development” have become a bunch of white noise.  

You know “the inner game” is important, maybe you’ve even had some incremental gains… but not the promised Quantum Leap.

Maybe you developed some self-awareness… but what do you with that? Are you landing huge clients with your self-awareness?

No, you end up stuck in some sort of self-awareness purgatory with no system to help you actually eliminate the limiting patterns you are now aware of.

Personal Development is failing you...
I don’t say this lightly.
I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on “personal development” and “self help.” 
And you know what?
It didn’t work!
I looked around at these events and saw hundreds of people hemorrhaging their savings trying to “fix” themselves by jumping up and down and writing feel-good affirmations.
And then, when they didn’t get the results, they assumed “it must be them.”
I know, because that’s exactly what I thought.
I thought “what I really need is the next level of the program, then I’ll be “better!”
…even if it cost $25k, $50k, even $100k! 
And that’s what I bought.
Personal Development is full of these empty promises and shoddy platitudes like...
  • ​“Knowing” something = transformation! (it doesn’t) 
  • ​There is no "right way" (There is. That's what science is for)
  • ​​“Law of Attraction” will give you everything you want! (how’s that going for you?)
  • ​​Change is hard and takes a long, long time (Not if you have the right system)
  • ​​Changing your physiology is all you need! (this works temporarily, but doesn’t get results in the long run.)

This ENTIRE conversation about “Personal Development,” self-help, and realizing your potential is about ONE THING
Brain Change
That is what “Personal Development 2.0” is really about. That is the foundation of Mind Hack.
“Simple, effective, and powerful. David made self-help practical instead of hi-fives and positive statements.”
Douglas Bedford  
Marketing Consultant
“Finally a system that makes sense on how to move forward to continue to become a powerful creator"
Kristen Swinehart
You Can’t Hustle-and-Grind 
Your Way to Success and Fulfillment
When you only chase externals, focused on doing doing doing...

You remain blind to one very important fact: 

You CANNOT access your real power when it is bound and gagged by your inner conflicts. 

Without your full inner resources, you will make business decisions –– the decisions that determine your success –– on a foundation of sand. 

This plays out in lots of ways...
  • Striving in vain to be the best in your field while you fundamentally believe you’re not good enough
  • Trying to enroll clients while you think what you’re charging isn’t really worth it (and neither are you!)
  • Wanting to become a thought leader while you’re secretly terrified of speaking publicly and actually sharing your thoughts
  • Attempting to craft unique, powerful messaging when you also believe nobody cares what you have to say 
  • Trying to grow a team when you believe additional payroll will threaten your business 
You don’t have to be a neuroscientist to see...
This is like speeding down a freeway with a muddy windshield, no mirrors and the parking brake on. 
Yes, you can theoretically do it... 

But is this the easiest, fastest, safest, most enjoyable way to get where you want to go? 

No. No it’s not.
That’s why so many entrepreneurs feel like they’re grinding gears.
This is why the ones who do appear to “achieve success” aren’t happy and fulfilled.
But the worst part is…
Celebrity Marketers Want You to Believe Hustle 
& Grind is the ONLY Way!
I don't know about you, but I have NO interest in endless 16 hour days. 

Sustained, focused action has its place. You have to do the work....
But ONLY when you have the mindset piece down first… that you’re working from a place of creativity, inspiration, and higher intelligence.

This is how you actually work smarter, not harder. 

This is how you...

Unlock your full potential and create the success, income, impact, AND life fulfillment you hunger for. 
In other words...

You don’t get there by becoming a hyper-caffeinated workaholic with bloodshot eyes, chasing every next business guru, implementing every strategy under the marketing sun. 

You get there with... 
A system to change the neural connections that are biologically driving your beliefs, thoughts, and actions
Mind Hack Gives You That System
“I have done self-growth work for years but only David's methodology has stuck with me because it’s so simple to implement, it’s so practical. I just go back and do my exercise, sometimes it takes maybe 5 minutes and I’m in a completely different mindset and that’s why it’s so powerful… because if you’re not in the right mindset you’re not going to make the right business decisions. It’s as simple as that.”
Krystal Borg 
Managing Director
“I was blown away by this mindset material. David has taken all of the best of the best works out there and integrates it into one single master course. Everything else was just little bits and pieces of information.”
Bobby Chandiramani
The Cutting Edge Intersection
of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Personal Growth for 
Rapid and REAL Transformation 
This is a revolutionary fusion of the most effective transformational modalities on the planet. 

From the life-changing insights of cognitive psychology and behavior change...

To the latest neuroscience of habits and the mechanics of learning...

And the most empowering teachings of personal growth…
This is the best of the best condensed down into one simple system you can implement in your life every day to overcome your deepest inner conflicts and most challenging inner obstacles…
And finally unlock exponential business growth and phenomenal personal success.

Starting NOW!
“I've been doing "massive action plans" for years but ALWAYS getting stuck... because of the underlying fear...but it felt nameless, and powerful and just felt like a massive wall that I couldn't penetrate of go around. After doing the mind hack, I'm realizing that the underlying beliefs and especially fears were what was holding me back. My biggest frustration was that I didn't know how to get rid of them permanently, I would make a little progress but then land smack down on my face again. This is so empowering!”
Melanie Crane
Owner and Founder of Integrated Life Advisor

A Repeatable System That Gets Results
This is about you having a system you can use to free yourself from the negative bias of your own mind. 

It is a reliable method to finally live at the level of power and impact you feel inside yourself. 

Not as a philosophy or an idea. But as a reality. 

Here’s why it works (for EVERYONE):

The human brain is the same for all of us, no matter what we do or where we’re at. We all have the same hardware. 

The stories and specific details of our inner conflicts don't really matter when we understand how the hardware works. 

I have taught this system to thousands of entrepreneurs and the results are mind-blowing!

Just look at what happened for one client, Frances:
“I can't describe it any other way than completely life changing. I went from 1 sale every three months to 5 sales every single month. I'm not frustrated and stressed out and I'm not missing any of those magic little moments...I've gotten it all back! 
Frances Walker
You Want More Than Personal Income and Business Outcomes 
They’re important, but they’re not the whole picture. 

You already know that. 

It’s about fully living your life. 

It’s about not missing those magic moments –– like Frances –– WHILE tripling your income, starting that business, AND taking back your time.

Isn’t that what most of us want? 

So, let’s look at the program she used to make it happen...
A Sneak peek INTO
The Mind 
The Core Conflict

  • Uncovering the bedrock foundation uniting psychology, neuroscience, and personal growth into a single, clear conversation ​
  • Why identifying the root source of self-sabotage and limitation is only the first step in real transformation ​
  • ​Trapped in the hamster wheel of your business? The simple process that reveals which SPECIFIC patterns of thinking are keeping you stuck ​
  • ​Decoding signals from your nervous system that tell you exactly when you are off-track and caught in your inner conflict
  • ​ ​How your "Perfect 10 Life Vision" is a treasure map to your most restrictive limiting beliefs and greatest opportunities for accelerated growth.
 Mind Hacking,
Brain Change, and the Power of Decision

  • Going beyond the 'woo' to the neuroscience of beliefs: what they really are, how they work in the brain, and how to change them
  • What your inner conflict reveals about your "unconscious decisions"
  • ​​The psychology of how your beliefs fuel the '5 Primary Drivers' and determine EVERY result in your business and life
  • ​​Discover the cornerstone of lasting transformation (and why you first need "permission" to make it work)
  • ​ ​​The Decision Matrix: a potent tool for permanently changing beliefs and rewiring the structure of your brain to radically alter the way you think and perceive
  • ​No idea how you’ll ever hit your goals? The surprising truth of why “How” is irrelevant, no matter what you want to create
  • ​​How specific decisions give you access to higher levels of intelligence, creativity, and new ideas so you can make faster progress with less effort.
Energy, Gratitude and the Success System

  • The science of how your “inner conflict” cuts you off from the higher levels of energy, intelligence and creativity you need to achieve rapid business growth… and how The Power of Decision can permanently remove the blocks.
  • ​Take your transformation to the next level by tapping into your “inner powerhouse” to generate consistent forward progress toward your goals - without forcing, hustling or grinding
  • ​A powerful meditation to reroute the brain’s tendency to focus on problems and negativity - no more “defaulting” into your tired, old limiting beliefs
  • ​​Pull the plug on procrastination, drifting, and overwhelm with a simple Mind Hack that cuts their power over your actions
  • ​ ​​The 6-step system the world’s most impactful entrepreneurs use to get record-breaking results with astonishing speed (even though most don’t even realize how they do it)
  • ​​How higher energy states activate the neural networks of resourcefulness, opportunity, and creativity essential to growing your business while experiencing more joy in the process.
 Enrolling the Brain Through the
Power of Clarity

  • How the Decision Matrix and the Clarity Process STACK to reinforce and strengthen new neurosynaptic connections to accelerate brain change and heighten creativity
  • ​Your one-way ticket off the “entrepreneur’s carousel” –– how to break the cycle of chasing “magic pill” strategies
  • ​​​The most overlooked step in choosing the right strategy at the right time and executing in the right way to produce breakthrough results. 99% of entrepreneurs skip this… and their business pays the price
  • ​​​The secret to creating a future memory of what you haven’t yet experienced, and its surprising effect on your brain… and your results
  • ​​A step-by-step guided process to gain crystal clarity on any issue in your life, no matter how confusing it appears to be
  • ​ ​​​How priming the mind with the Mind Hack visualization technique opens access to new ideas, reveals opportunities hiding in plain sight, and adds surprising new developments to your future plans.
The Power of Questions and
Your Inner Search Engine

  • Why you MUST have clarity to unlock the power of the right questions
  • ​​A simple model to understand how your brain stores and sorts information, and how you can use it to find perfect solutions to your business problem
  • Breaking the toxic habit of asking “why isn’t this working?”, “What am I doing wrong?” and “what’s wrong with me?” and what to ask instead
  • ​​Living in “The Higher Power System”. This radical new perspective shows you exactly how your current situation reveals a hidden opportunity for personal and business growth
  • ​ ​​​The fool-proof Mind Hack method to creating a strategic action plan that you will actually take action on
Hacking Fear

  • Why fear is the FINAL barrier between you and your full potential –– and 4 simple ways to hack it
  • ​​Eliminating the doubt, resistance, and analysis paralysis keeping you frozen in perpetual “planning mode”
  • ​​​​How to leverage the strange relationship between desire, fear, your nervous system, and “the unknown” to create consistent forward momentum, no matter what happens in the external world
  • ​​​The secret to transmuting your most painful experiences into your greatest resources –– one thought can change everything
The Mind Hack Daily Super Ritual
and the 30 Day Transformation Challenge

  • Creating the ultimate “super ritual stack” to create permanent brain change
  • ​​​How to implement “The Work” in daily life to never ever get stuck again
  • ​Going beyond habit to create a lifestyle of ongoing transformation and evolutionary growth
  • The power of community to reinforce and accelerate transformation… and where to find like-minded change-makers
Bonus Module on Neurosculpting


  • The 3-step process to deactivate limiting beliefs the second they arise
  • ​​Why getting “triggered” is your greatest opportunity for your next leap forward in personal growth
  • ​​​​How “not feeling good” is your ultimate inner compass to discovering the disempowering decisions of your past
Rennie Gabriel
Award winning, best-selling author of Wealth On Any Income
Jamie McNaughton 
VP and Co-Founder McNaughton Inc.
Everything You Need for Rapid Transformation in Your Business
This program is the culmination of over a decade of in-depth study and complete immersion in cognitive psychology, modern neuroscience, personal development, and global spiritual traditions.

I took the best of the best, the exact practices of what actually works in real life... ...

streamlining everything into a complete system of reliable brain change to liberate the massive creative energy locked in the prisons of your limiting beliefs.

I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of research to develop this.
The Mind Hack Daily Super Ritual alone is worth tens of thousands of dollars over the course of your life.
Nevermind the rest of the cutting-edge-of-human-development content…

But I’m not satisfied with “content.”

I don't want this to be “one more course” in that secret library of courses hiding on your hard drive.

I’m here for you. I created this for you.
I want you to be successful in this program because I know the power, the joy, the energy, the indescribable feeling of freedom and empowerment...
...that comes when you...
Finally free yourself from the life-stealing and 
business-destroying prison of your unconscious patterns
That’s why I’m including…
The 60 page Mind Hack Workbook - Take this information and make it real for you. Information only becomes knowledge through the application, and doing these exercises will put real personal breakthroughs within your reach.
The 6 Misconceptions -  When you first begin doing this work, it’s like stumbling into a dark cave without a flashlight. In working with thousands of entrepreneurs like you, I’ve found there are 6 fundamental misconceptions that give rise to the thousands of other limiting beliefs. This list turns on the floodlights so you can get a head start and identify what’s holding you back even easier so you can progress faster.
The Decision Prescription -  Every limiting belief has it’s empowering opposite, but figuring it out on your own takes time. I want to give you a jumpstart with the most powerful decisions my clients and I have made to overwrite limiting beliefs and transform our businesses and personal lives.
Empowering Questions Shortcut to Success -  Asking powerful questions is a skill and takes time to develop. To give you a head start, I’m giving you a cheat sheet of questions my clients and I use every day to get extraordinary results in every area of life. 
Audio Downloads -   of the guided meditations so you can access high energy states anytime, anywhere to fuel your transformation on the go. 
Strategically designed to accelerate your transformation and take your Business and Life to the Next Level...
2 FREE Tickets to the Powerful Living Experience Live Event
(Value $1,994)
** Requires a $197 seat deposit to reserve your seat and will be refunded upon registration at the event.
The single most effective way to develop mastery with this life-changing material is IMMERSION. 

It is critical to put yourself in an environment where you set aside your daily responsibilities, to remove yourself from the endless stream of distractions pulling at your attention…


This is why people go on meditation retreats. This is why writers go to remote locations, cut off from their regular world. 

This is why the best in the world take time out from life to do their deepest, most important work. 

Immersion accomplishes more in a weekend than you can do in a year.

And at the Powerful Living Experience, we create one of the most potent containers for rapid personal transformation on the planet.
Top 3 MUST ATTEND Personal Development Event for Entrepreneurs
Inc Magazine
  • Connect with 1000+ high-level entrepreneurs on the leading edge of changing the world
  • Tap into massive shared networks and new audiences with other visionary 6- and 7- figure business owners
  • Harness the palpable energy in the room to catalyze breakthrough insights into your business and personal life, and use them to create the boldest, most wildly inspired vision of your life beyond perceived limitations.
  • Lean into the cutting edge of personal transformation with the latest science, practical techniques, and mental technologies to rapidly re-pattern your mind and achieve your business goals with ZERO resistance.
  • NEW Live Business Strategy Session - The timeless strategies that work for every entrepreneur no matter what tactic or offer –– with detailed case studies of implementation online, offline, speaking, certification, 1:1, groups, high ticket offers, and more.
Here’s what a few of last year’s attendees said about this life-changing event:
Lifetime Access to the Mind Hack Community
(Value $1,000)
Immersion isn’t a one-time deal. Once you dive in, you want to keep that momentum going strong.

Every entrepreneur needs a network of like-minded mission-driven change makers to stay at the top of their game. 
And isolation is the Achilles Heel of almost every entrepreneur I’ve ever met. 
There is no “maybe”. Lack of community IS holding you back. 

That’s why when you purchase Mind Hack TODAY, you also get Lifetime Access to the Mind Hack Community. 
  • Connect with like-minded inspired entrepreneurs anytime, anywhere, no matter WHERE in the world you life.
  • Find a Personal Accountability Partner to keep you on track, share your insights, and support each other’s growth.
  • Unlimited access to feedback from David and his top-level coaches FOR FREE… For Life (this alone is worth thousands of dollars).
“It's not just the 7-day format that makes this such a powerful experience (besides the content, of course!)'s the fact that real people are behind the screen actually reaching out and supporting us!”
Ilonka N. Sjak-Shie
Everyone has a different matrix of limiting beliefs, but the two most disempowering areas of life for entrepreneurs are...
  • Not Enough Time (aka overwhelm) 
  • And Not Enough Money.
It’s hard to believe that these seemingly hard-nosed, real-world problems could really come down to something abstract like “mindset”….

But they do.

So I’m including 2 special bonus modules to break down the astonishing relationship between your mindset, money, and time.
Time Mastery
(Value $497)
  • The science behind how your fears of “not enough time” perpetuate themselves into your life and how to fix it.
  • How to short circuit overwhelm, stress and anxiety while creating an additional 10 hours of time PER WEEK.
  • There is ALWAYS enough time… but these three unconscious thoughts are mucking it up.
How much is an extra 10 hours of free time every week for the rest of your life worth to you? If you truly put this teaching to work in your life, it will mean an extra 26 forty-hour work weeks over the next 2 years.

What would you do with that? What could you accomplish? What kinds of adventures could you have? How much progress in your business could you make? In your life goals? 

And honestly....
An extra 10 hours per week is a conservative estimate based on past results with my private clients.
And if you extend that out to 5 years… 
10 years… 25? Is there really a price for that 
amount of time?
No, there isn’t. 

You cannot buy time. 

But you CAN upgrade the way your mind perceives and uses it. 
Now let’s look at Money…
Money Mastery
(Value $497)
When you unlock “Money” you are no longer dependent  
on “The System,” “The Market,” or even “The Economy.”  

You become the author of your life, 100% free from financial worries. 
You become liberated to create, serve, and contribute as you choose. 

I’ve helped countless entrepreneurs double, triple, even quadruple their revenue in a matter of months. And it all comes down to mindset.
  • Are you anxious about your financial security? How this is actually the single greatest obstacle blocking you from your next level of financial success.
  • How the wealthiest 1% of entrepreneurs see these three “money levers” differently than the 99%.
  • The Stack – the exact process I used to break a 10-year drought of bank account humiliation and catapult to $1,000,000+ in a single year… all while making an even greater impact without hustling and grinding my way to it.
The true value of this? I’ll leave that to your imagination, but this powerful teaching could easily open up hundreds of thousands of dollars for you over your life. 
“I had just come off my worst year financially and I nearly didn’t do the program. But with David I learned how to have breakthroughs, how to be unstoppable… and now I have a constant flow of new leads and I’m consistently making $3000 PER WEEK!”
Ed Jackson
Senior Marketing Director WFG
But even with everything I’m giving you so far…
The Mind Hack system of brain change and self-transformation, the 3-step Neurosculpting process to deactivate triggering in-the-moment, 
all the supporting worksheets, meditations, Daily Mind Hack Super Ritual, and extra tools to accelerate your progress…
...PLUS deeper teachings on Money and Time to banish scarcity from your life…

I want YOU to have every possible resource necessary to move forward as a radically transformed and unshakeable force of Power in the world.

That’s why I’m giving you….
(Value $3,500)
Once you have your foundation of mindset… ...

you’ve gone deep with immersion, have the support of an incredible community, and have tackled the Big Two areas of limitation…

NOW we can look at your business. 

After Mindset, the next major problem I see in my private clients is they try to “fix” their business with “magic pill” strategies...

They get caught up in what I call “entrepreneur’s carousel” –– the endless cycle of chasing “magic pill” strategies and fad tactics. 

Most of the time… it’s lipstick on a pig. There’s no real “business” foundation. 

Without the deep foundation of what really makes your business stand out from the crowd and achieve rapid exponential growth… 

...most entrepreneurs run head-first into the brick wall of burnout. 
In this 3-hour Masterclass you’ll get a full, detailed picture of what makes a business REALLY work.

AND, the exact step-by-step blueprint I used for creating rapid success doing what I love most: helping people.
This is the condensed MBA specifically for entrepreneurs you wish you had when you started a business.
Here’s just a taste of what we’ll cover in the masterclass:
  • How my wife and I went from $0 to $50k in less than 30 days just with 4 talks in our local market.
  • The pricing question: what to charge, when, and how firing half your clients is probably the best thing you can do to not only make more money but to also create even more time.
  • Scaling from one-on-one to group or live events without the gut wrenching uncertainty of whether or not you’re actually going to fill them.
  • The paradox of digital programs: they will never make you money, but can help generate over $1MM a year. 
This content is from a seminar people paid $2000 - $30,000 to attend. If I were to do it again, I would charge at least $3500.
You get the exact same information FOR FREE when you order the Mind Hack Program TODAY.
Normally you find someone who’s good in one area of business or personal growth but they are so skilled in so many areas. You just get everything you need from one place and they make complex concepts so simple, clear and practical. Thanks to David's methodologies we are growing at an unprecedented rate of nearly 7-figures a month!
Claudia Hillmeier
Owner Prop & Peller
8 Week Mind Hack Deepening Course + Additional Rituals and Practices
(Value $1,500)
Brain change can happen quickly, but it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes reinforcement to fully eliminate old, limiting patterns of thought. That’s why I’m including this 8 week Mind Hack Deepening Course.

It spirals back through the Mind Hack material with new layers of insight, giving you extra tools and practices to fuel your continued growth.
PLUS one of my favorite tools I call “The Dump.”
Using this one tool every single day for 6 months catalyzed the fastest, deepest, most radical period of personal growth I ever experienced. I could literally feel my patterns of thought changing week by week.
You’ll get “The Dump” along with the entire 8 week Deepening Course FREE with when you purchase the Mind Hack Program Today.
  • The Mind Hack Program - $3,497
  • 2 Tickets to PLE Live Event - $1,994
  • Mind Hack Community Access - $1,000
  • Time Mastery - $497
  • Money Mastery - $497
  • Business Hack Masterclass Training - $3,497
  • Mind Hack Deepening Program - $1,500
Total Value - $12,482
I’m here to help you create transformation in your life and liberate your full potential. 

This is no small task.

And I need YOUR commitment.

Part of that is financial. Because let’s be honest, we pay attention to the things we invest in.
So for a limited time, I will give you everything in the Mind Hack Program...
That is a generous 96% off the Total Value! 
Look, I KNOW this system works. This system got me out of my own self-imposed prison and helped me break through the Personal Development Ceiling.

It has already worked for thousands of mission-driven entrepreneurs and change-makers around the world. 
And it will work for you…. If you do the work..
So here’s my promise to you:

If you go through the whole program, do the work, AND STILL find you did not get your full value from the program…

I’ll give you back every last dollar, no questions asked, and my full blessing on your path to finding a more effective method of personal transformation.
All I ask?

Show your work. 

This program is only for the people willing to apply themselves to get the results they so deeply desire… and deserve. 

If you do the work and it doesn’t work or resonate with you? 

Just let me know and I’ll promptly process your refund. 
** In order to qualify for a refund, you will be required to provide proof of the work that you have done, our customer support team will provide you details on what that entails, including providing scanned copies of all the exercises completed.
This has been one of the most valuable 7 days of my life. Once I managed to identify my limiting beliefs and realize the absurdity of them and it was easy to make new empowering decisions. I see my fear in a totally different light - it was always somewhere in the back of my mind - but it needed to come out in the open. Thank you David for a most valuable insight and an unforgettable experience that I will carry forward into my unstoppable future!
Jurgen Vollrath
Founder and COO
As much as I wish it were…

Mind Hack is not for everybody. 

I make bold promises because I’ve seen the results in my own life, the lives of my private clients, and the lives of program participants. 
The results come from sincerely
doing the work and implementing 
the system IN REAL LIFE.
So if you...
  • Are looking for a magic pill to make your problems "just go away"
  • Want ME (or anyone else) to do the work for you
  • Think you already know everything there is to know about mindset
  • Want to add another course to your collection of half-digested courses
  • Love the endless cycle of going to events, jumping up and down, enduring the personal development hangover just to crawl back for your next fix a few months later...
Don’t waste your money.
This is not what you’re looking for and you’ll probably just give yourself more guilt. 
If you hunger for a life of success and fulfillment…

Learn to create more impact in the world while making an incredible income... 

Or want to take your life to the next level and make massive progress faster than ever before... 

This program WILL help you. 

Even if you aren’t clear on what that next level looks like, here are some signs that the Mind Hack Program will help you:

Do you...
  • Feel like you're not as far along in life or business as you should be by now? That time is running out and you’ll never accomplish all you wanted to?
  • ​Run around in circles signing up for all the classes, seminars, programs, courses, and coaches… only to end up right back where you started?
  • ​Have an incurable case of FOMO and just can’t say no? Even when it saps your time and energy? Even when you know you don’t really want to say yes? 
  • ​Feel worthless or inferior because of where you are at in some area of your life?
  • Secretly think you’re a fraud, silently suffering from “imposter syndrome”?
  • ​Never feel satisfied no matter what you achieve? Like “real success” is forever around the next corner?
  • ​Believe you have to do everything perfectly 100% right or it will never work?
  • ​Feel under-valued, under-appreciated, or taken advantage of?
  • ​Tell yourself the money, success, or experiences you desire are for “other people” but not for you?
If yes, don’t feel ashamed. Instead, get excited, inspired, grateful... 
And your mind –– and brain –– can be changed.  
Your Full Potential is waiting to be Unlocked.
When! We just went on quit e a journey together.

From the ebook, the video course, the webinar, to this page.

And now…
The psychological reality of the human mind is that when you are first exposed to a powerful idea... 

... there is only a brief window of time when you can take effective action.

Statistics say in a week you’ll already forget 90% of what you learned here.

The confusing, toxic media soup will find its way into your brain...

Clouding the clarity we just spent so much time developing together. 

Shiny objects will come back into view and distract you. 

Someone will show up in your inbox or news feed with the next “magic pill”... and it will look oh-so-tempting. 

The truth of the transformation I am offering you right now will fade like a dream.
You will wake up day after day in the same old life you
created for yourself. 
You will have lost precious momentum that will fuel your success. 

I am offering this for a limited time because it is in YOUR benefit. 

This brief window of time is your golden opportunity for real and lasting change. 

THIS is your moment to make an Empowering Decision that can transform your life and alter the course of your destiny. 

THIS is your chance to finally get to the ROOT of what blocks you from your full potential...
is your opportunity to Hack your Mind, Free Yourself from Limiting Beliefs and Create Your Dreams.
What will you Decide?
A lot of programs out there just don’t deliver what they say they’re going to deliver. There’s a lot of promises being made out there. Do this or do that. David doesn’t do that. He goes deep. And it all comes from a totally natural and authentic place. He’s different than everybody out there. Just do it. You’re going to be amazed.
MaryAnn Ehmann
Mindset Expert and Income Strategist
This is about more than making money, growing your business, or finding more success –– although Mind Hack will help you get all of these.

What we are really doing here is breaking the deep patterns of conditioning that create suffering in your life and in the world at large. 

A human mind in a state of suffering can only create more suffering, no matter how noble (or ignoble) the intentions. 

Add up billions of humans acting out of suffering and you get a world full of suffering. 

It is only by changing our patterns of thought and transforming our mindset that we can create the lives we so deeply want and deserve to live –– personally and collectively. 

I invite you to take a stand, to make an empowering decision here...

Right NOW to hack your mind, transform your mindset, and realize your full potential
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DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures referenced are my personal sales figures, or those of our most exceptional clients. Please understand my results are not typical, I'm not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing online marketing for 10+ years. The average person who buys any online marketing information gets little to no results. I'm using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors ... including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to work with us.